Thursday, April 22, 2010


So you've decided that you're ready to start your new workout routine, and you have a few questions, right? No problem. You want to know the best time of the day to exercise. Lets first remember that anytime during the day that you can set aside for exercise is better than nothing at all!! Whether that be morning, evening or afternoon it is important that we incorporate exercise into our busy schedules. Now back to our question. The best time of the day to exercise is in the morning.

Morning exercise is beneficial for the following reasons:

  • Morning exercisers are more likely to stick to their routine

  • Morning exercise improves sleep (adequate sleep is needed to promote weight loss)

  • Engaging in morning exercise sets the pace for your day

  • Morning exercise routines decrease the chances of mishaps occurring during the day that could potentially alter or interfere with your workout schedule.

Studies Have Shown That...

Women who engaged in consistent morning exercise routines (four hours or more) slept better than those who engaged in evening exercise routines. In addition to that, evening exercisers had trouble falling asleep.

My Morning Routine

Personally, I start my workout routine at 7:30 a.m. each morning, (even if it requires me dragging myself out of bed)! I can personally say that there is much truth in the research that states that morning routines are easier to keep (at least that has proven to be true for me). Again, that's not to say that afternoon or evening workout routines are not beneficial as well. My morning routine leaves me feeling motivated, energized and just plain good!! I encourage you to start a consistent workout routine of your own, and see what the benefits will be. I am sure that you will be impressed not only with how you look, but also with how you feel after you have established a consistent workout routine.

Please Share Your Thoughts

I am here to share my thoughts and knowledge in the area of Health and Fitness with all of you!! I plan to cover everything from how to eat healthy to weight lifting for women and everything in between! I must say that I am very excited! I am also here to expand my knowledge and share with you in your personal experiences with weight loss or just maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here we will motivate each other on our quest to get or stay fit as well as share knowledge. Please feel free to share any tips or suggestions that you may have on this subject. PLEASE SHARE!! Your thoughts are welcomed and your input is needed!! There's only one goal here, and that is for US TO GET FIT TOGETHER!! New topics will be added daily. Spread the word and invite your friends to join in on the discussion!